Monday, 21 January 2013


"... & some shall be banishéd."

I spent the day in the 'tropics' at the highest balcony in the November. 
Sorting, sorting, sorting.

in "Shoeworld"
Last week's being the Restocking Queen involved Hefty ziplock bags aplenty.
This week is not so quite straight forward as merely size, colour & shape. This week's about style too. Historic periods et al. I'm hoping my History of Costume will save me otherwise the shoes ain't gonna be sorted anything like ship-shape (nor shoe-shape).

In other news: 

It's Martin Luther King day! 

It's 'God Bless America ~ Mr. Obama officially doesn't have to move house' day. 
(He's been inaug-ed again. A far more pleasant & celebratory affair than the verb suggests.) 

It's 'Spend Seven Hours in Shoeworld' day! 

(It was not however, so much of a 'Jolly Holiday with Mary'. Parasols stand easy.)

1 comment:

  1. When you get home we'll be able to get you a job in "Clarks".t
    That's if it's not another name gone from the British high street!
